Saturday 13 December 2014


Drumstick Vegetable:

 DRUMSTICK tree called the "Power house of minerals" is the most common tree in India. Its leaves,fruits, flowers, barks and seeds have medicinal values and are used in various manners in all dishes. Invaluable in preventing cardiac diseases; researchers have stated that the nutritional value of the leaves is equivalent to 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges plus 4 times the calcium in milk plus 3 times potassium in bananas plus 2 times the protein in milk plus 4 times the vitamin A in Carrot.


     The drumstick is a fairly common vegetable grown all over India and Pakistan. It is valued mainly for the tender pod. It is antibacterial and a wonderful cleanser.

     It is mostly grown as a backyard tree in most of the South Indian homes.



Geographical Conditions

The climate conditions in Maharashtra are favourable for the growth of drumsticks. But for higher production and ample growth, humid climate and clear sunlight enhance the growth of the product. For higher yield of flowers on the plant 25 to 30 C. temperature is recommended. This further increases the growth of drumsticks. The rains after the plantations hamper and destroy the growth of plant.

Though we say drumsticks productions can be generated in land of low quality, but still we need to define the same. The land which has 10 to 15 cm soft mud and pebbles or hard land below, is said to be land of low quality. The land which has mud with layer 1 to 3 ft. and hard land below is medium quality land. The land with 6 to 7 ft. mud is high quality land. The land plantation of the drumsticks can be done in any type of land.



Drumstick Vegetable Health Benefits:
1.Finally drumstick juice greatly adds to the glow on one’s face. Make a mixture of drumstick and lime juice and dab it on your face. You will find your face glowing greatly.
2.Inhaling steam of water in which drumsticks have been boiled helps ease asthma and other lung problem.
3.Drumstick soup helps ease any kind of chest congestions, coughs and sore throats.
4.Pregnant women should often eat drumsticks as it helps ease any kind of pre and post delivery complication.
5.Juice of Drum stick when mixed in milk and offered to children greatly helps by strengthening their bones as it is said to be a great source of Calcium. Also drumstick is said to be a great blood purifier.



Are your drumsticks straight?

      When you get ready to choose / purchase new drumsticks from a store,
it is important to roll them. Do this by putting them on a flat counter top and gently rolling them.
If they wobble, you may want to select another pair. While a slight wobble won't really hurt anything,
you will notice the feel of greatly warped drumsticks in your hand.



EXPORT:     Drumsticks plantation has been successfully cultivated in 1000 hectares area. The product will be available for export from February to June. The capacity for export is more than 5 tonnes per day. Seeds and Ben Oil will also be available for exports in bulk quantities with us.

      The seeds from drumsticks are dried and then the oil is extracted from them. It is named as Ben Oil. It can be used as lubricant in Electronic devices. Thus it has demand all over world.







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